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Dr. Dora Dzvonyar

Science Communication and Engagement
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Hello, stranger!

My name is Dora Dzvonyar. I have been a TEDx organizer, event curator, science communicator, and speaker coach for over 10 years. This page is mostly about my freelance work – check out my LinkedIn profile for more information about me.

Just to give you a glance: During my doctorate at the Technical University of Munich, I worked at the intersection of science and technology, a big part of which involved teaching software teams how to explain technical details of their system to people from all kinds of disciplines. I went on to manage a science engagement space and curate events as well as create various formats of science communication through digital media (amongst others, an award-winning podcast) at BIOTOPIA, a next-generation life sciences museum in creation in Munich. I also co-founded and grew a TEDx event at TUM and now serve as TEDx ambassador to the world-wide community.

I have personally worked with more than 250 people from a variety of fields on how to put their ideas from science, technology, and other areas of their lives into the best shape possible. My main specialties are event curation, moderation, group workshops, and personal coaching (all of this in German or English), but I also like to branch out into other areas.

I combine a strong teaching background with a scientific mind and can help you with my experience on different kinds of stages, developing content for both expert and general audiences. Let’s bring what is in your head out in an engaging and understandable way together!

How can I help you?


Event Curation

I have been curating events about science, technology, and other topics that matter since 2014. I love assembling engaging, diverse content while keeping the audience and bigger picture in mind.



As an event moderator, I enjoy putting the speakers at ease and letting them appear in the best possible light. In a panel or fireside chat, I can keep the conversation going while making sure everyone feels included and heard. 


Speaker Coaching

Are you preparing for a presentation or a critical pitch? Let’s make sure it meets the needs of the audience and leaves them hooked. We can also work on your general speaking skills together.



I love designing content that makes groups of all kinds of sizes learn about how to communicate their ideas in a hands-on way. I also have several years of experience in conceiving virtual formats.

Appearances & Selected Writing

Doktopus – the podcast about science and knowledge with Dora and Dominic

I co-create and co-host this podcast, in which we dive into science and knowledge from biology, technology, and more. Learn something new while listening to a pleasant conversation. Listen in German…

Announcing the Munich Science Communication Lab

I participated in the announcement of the MSCL, a lab for science communication and engagement around the incredibly important field of Planetary Health, alongside researchers and communicators such as Eva Rehfuess and Harald Lesch. Watch video…

“Connecting ideas and people is my passion” (TUM Alumni & Career)

Bringing fresh perspectives into the world, exchanging ideas and meeting new people: TUM PhD candidate Dora Dzvonyar is a true all-rounder when it comes to bringing together research with industry or making it accessible to the general public. Read more…

BIOTOP!CS – The BIOTOPIA podcast about life

I had the pleasure to create the concept, curate the content, and oversee the realization of season 1 of this award-winning podcast about life sciences. I also make an appearance in episode 2, which is about AI and its effects our current and future lives. Listen in German…

How to get from an event theme to a holistic experience?

How can you use your event’s theme to jumpstart your creativity when it comes to graphics, stage design, marketing campaigns, or attendee experience? I used the 2019 TEDxTUM theme “Dive In” to illustrate how this can be done. Read more…

Teaching hands-on iOS development in Swift to 100 students

I was Program Manager of a multi-project capstone course for 5+ years at TUM. In this post, I explain our methodology for teaching applied coding skills to ~90 students with only 3 instructors, using tools and workflows that really make the process easier. Read more…


I found working with Dora useful and productive. As a scientist, my TEDx talk was aimed at a much more general audience than I am accustomed to speaking to. Dora helped refine my talk, pointing out technical jargon and suggesting simpler ways to display or portray the same ideas. She was very good at finding easy-to-understand ways to communicate difficult concepts and coming up with great phrases to help keep attention. She managed to do all this while still recognizing the effort the speaker put into the preparation and making me feel appreciated. I genuinely enjoyed the feedback and working with her to produce the best talk possible.

Dr. Maria Spletter, LMU

Dora did a great job of briefing the participants of our podium discussion and gave the event a super framework with her clever and smart moderation. She always had an eye for the audience, time management and even solved minor technical problems in a charming way.

Dr. Michael Klimke, Bayerische KI Agentur

Dora hat uns bei den Women of TUM Talks 2018 als Alumna und Moderatorin unterstützt. Sie war Ansprechpartnerin für die Rednerinnen und hat sie auf wundervolle Weise bei der Wahl und Tiefung ihrer Themen gecoacht und über Wellen von Lampenfieber hinweg geholfen. Am Tag selbst hat sie mit ihrer Moderation gute Übergänge geschaffen und wesentlich zum Gelingen der Veranstaltung beigetragen. Es ist eine Freude mit ihr zu arbeiten. Verbindlich, kreativ, herzlich und humorvoll.

Iris Stolz, TUM Alumni & Career

Dora Dzvonyar habe ich als Kuratorin von TEDxTUM kennen und schätzen gelernt. Über acht Monate führte sie mich als Sprecher sicher durch den Entstehungsprozess meines Talks. Hier erlebte ich Dora als perfekte Organisatorin und konstruktive Kritikerin, aber auch als empathische Pragmatikerin. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich mit ihr arbeiten durfte und empfehle sie besonders allen, die ein komplexes Thema verständlich darbieten wollen.

Justus Schütze, BUZZN

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